Saturday, August 29, 2009

Cards, For Me?!!

What are the chances that one would receive (on the same day) two cards from two dear friends for two totoally unrelated reasons? (And it's not even my birthday!) WOW. That just really makes my heart sing! Thanks.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Thanks Neighbor!

Coming home from a long day at work, I was surprised to find this little bundle at my doorstep. Homegrown Tomatoes! YUM! I looked around to try and spy the bearer of these delightful taste treats, but there were no guilty parties to be found. Should I walk next door and "thank" my neighbors? ( I think I might know who left them.) But what if they didn't leave them? What a quandry, I wasn't sure what to do. But in the meantime, I rustled up this tasty sandwich, partnered with turkey bacon and lettuce--and a few celerly sticks on the side. There's is nothing like the taste of fresh garden tomatoes, is there? But I still haven't found out who to properly "thank"! But in the meantime, "Thanks God for sending those thoughtful neighbors my way!"

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

MY "M.U.T."

Did you ever try to capture the essense of your beloved companion in one snapshot? Hard to do isn't it? Let's be realistic, no one looks at your pet the way you do and no one sees their captivating personality the way you only do. BUT, here is my attempt to do just that. Let me introduce you to MY M.U.T. --that stands for Mollie Tulip Underwood. In this snapshot I was asking her where one of my now-married children were. She immediately perked up and cocked her head to the side and flashed me her beautiful smile. Isn't she gorgeous? Mollie Tulip is the puppy of a rescued boxer (obviously Mollie's father was not a boxer) named Daisy--who has been evaluated to be "companion quality"--you know the kind of dog that could help the blind. I've never had Mollie evaluated but I bet she would be an awesome companion dog too. My words seems feeble trying to describe who she really is. She is sooo smart. We can let her outside and she knows the boundaries of our yard and rarely goes beyond. She catches her favorite ball with her front two paws (honest!) and fetches and fetches and fetches. On command she sits, stays, crawls, plays dead, talks, speaks and gives kisses to whomever you tell her, and knows her "family" by name. I'm so thankful for Mollie, Thanks God! Mollie makes my heart sing just knowing she will be there to greet me when I get home each day!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Mailbox Memorial --Thanks Dad!

Backing out of the driveway this morning I stopped just long enough to take a longer than usual look at my mailbox . . . "yep I thought . . . it's about time to update that!" But then I remembered that it was this mail box that my father (who passed over ten years ago) had fashioned himself and put into place . . .so this is my attempt to memorialize a bit of his handiwork. I came home on my lunch hour and grabbed a few pics. When I showed them to my brother, he mentioned how he had painted the mailbox at one time, trying to preserve it's existance. He also pointed out how the circular discs below the mailbox were signage scrap from Swallens, where Dad used to work. I always wondered where my dad got the idea to use the metal stand that the mailbox sits on . . . I always liked the way it looked . . . don't they call that "repurposing" now? Dad was always a unique kind of guy anyway. Fond memories poured throughout my mind as we talked. Anyway, my lovely "first" daughter, whom I sure wants to remain nameless, (the expert blogger-- keeps reminding me to keep blogging "short" . . . so that's my cue to end here and just say--HERE'S THE MAILBOX!