Friday, October 30, 2009


. . .has to be healthy, quick, try to please my 16 year old son (humph)--this is one of my favorite combos--fresh asparagus (the thinnest and freshest you can find) --spray your pan with olive oil and overload with slices of garlic cloves. Saute garlic until its' brown and crispy--then add asparagus--baked (or in our case) "microwaved" sweet potatoes -- broiled lean chops "a la Kentworth style"-- which means layered in pepper. Not too much can surpass this quick tasty treat as the unavoidable cool weather calls and brightly lit orange pumpkins adorn our porches awaiting festively dressed beggers.

Monday, October 26, 2009

God must love PINK!

My mother planted this bush quite some time ago so she could sit on her porch and have some privacy--it' has grown over the years and now almost hides--now-- my front porch. Just a day or two ago it's leaves went from monochromatic shades of green to THIS!! What a magnificant way to greet each new fall day as I leave for ordinary places!

Monday, October 19, 2009

My Mother: Elizabeth Eurilda 1917 - 2009

Your passing brings profound sadness
Yet now I think I understand you more
You, my mother,
Longing for the friendship and companionship of me, her daughter
My turn now,
Seeing my own daughters as you must have seen me
Your strengths--once hidden --now obvious
Whatever weakness--now insignificant, meaningless
I have had the extreme joy of knowing you
Being with you
Feeling your love
You are not replaceable; there will never be anyone exactly like you
There is no replica, no substitute,
No one could ever “fill that hole” as you would so aptly say
How I would love to see you now, to feel your hand on mine
To hear your voice call my name,--just one more time
The same way you would leave a room
You left
Quietly, quickly,
No one watching
Now your history remains,
Your actions
A gentle reminder
Nudging, prodding
Stirring my soul
Reach higher
Be better,
Seeing life
As through your eyes

Friday, October 2, 2009

Reasons To Sing

As I was trying to fall asleep last night, my mind seemed stuck on all the bothersome items on my "list" (which I've been trying to rid my brain from keeping so efficiently)...I fought with myself and finally gave up --got out of bed -- and chatted with one of my best friends on facebook--she just "happened" to be up late. (I don't believe in conincidence.) On my way back to bed, I was hoping I was finally sleepy enough to fall right to sleep---(I wish)..."how can one possibly snore through an apnea machine?"---(erggggh!--my hubby)--but then for some reason my mind went to thinking of my daughters and good grief, all of a sudden I realized I was smiling and my heart was happy...who is so fortunate to have two wonderful and beautiful daughters like me? That's the last thing I remember thinking about.