Friday, October 20, 2017

Wonderful Creatures

Children are wonderful creatures. . . 

. . .little ones that demand your night time attention for no apparent reason than just to be near you.  But they are life and that life is precious, so hold them close and breathe in their wonderful aroma.  When they are young you are the center of their universe and there is nothing quite like it in the whole world.  We are so naive to think that what we experience with our young children will carry with us always.  But it changes over decades and it's not always the way we envision the journey.  Sincerity gets lost somewhere in between perception and priority.  What we thought as impenetrable gets twisted and no one seems able to clearly see the people who are right in front of us.   The movement to that other spot or how we got there, seems intentional and unintentional, but it happens, -- and finding your way back to that place where you want to be appears to be light years away.  Whatever instinctual map you thought you would always possess seems to have gone missing or fallen through that crack that keeps getting bigger.

And we go on, and on, and…on--hoping this juncture will pass and that opportunity will allow the chance to overcome and reconcile.  Truth and wisdom that comes with age screams at us-- demanding to be heard, to be used to help, to heal, to instruct.  But age also brings differences and an unexplained solitude.  

Connecting is strangely more comfortable and yet more difficult.

But somehow the strength is there to continue on in hope---to continue on and wait for them to catch up.