Friday, June 4, 2010

In Line At McDonalds on a TGIF

So, every three months or so, I allow myself to go to McDonalds for breakfast on my way to work.  This morning was that morning.  When I got there the line for the drive thru was pretty long, and so I knew I'd be a few minutes late to work, but this was my quaterly treat to myself so I stayed.  My allergies were really bothering me this morning so I spent the majority of my time waiting-- looking in the mirror and dabbing my eyes, so my mascara wouldn't run.

When I got  to the payment window there was a surprise.  The lady in the car in front me had paid for my breakfast and left me a note.  It said, "Do something nice for someone!  Have a blessed Day!" Wow, wasn't that nice!  So I did.  I handed the note back to the McDonald's employee, paid for the person behind me, and asked them to pass the note along.

Now that was a good way to start TGIF!!  (The McDonald's employee told me that this happens all the time--so I'm wondering...has it happened to you?) (Side Note:  Did she see me dabbing my eyes and thought I was crying?--haha!)


  1. Random Acts of Kindness always make somebody have a better day!

  2. Ooh, the sympathy meal. I might need to try that out some time. HA! Just kidding! That's a pretty cool story and I am sure you really made the other person's day.
