Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Cora's Quilt

I'm sorry I've been remiss in blogging lately.  Everything has taken a back seat to preparing and anxiously awaiting my first grandchild, Cora's arrival.   This is Cora's quilt before I took it to be quilted.  I'm picking it up on Friday and then I'm flying out of Indianapolis on Sunday --heading for Mesa, AZ, the land of first grandchildren.  Cora's due date is the 13th, but what "first" child ever came on their due date?  I just so can't wait for this blessed event!


  1. Snuggle your new little one & EnjOy!!

    Beautiful Quilt!!! an heirloom that will be treasured...

  2. A Grandchild oh what a Blessing. Congtats to all of your family Pear! ox
