Wednesday, July 20, 2016

I Know What They Meant To Me But What Did I Mean To Them: Letter From Dad 1980

Going through and trying to rid lot of saved "stuff" I came across this letter that I had forgotten my dad gave me a few months before I got married.   Seeing the typewritten letter and the few places that are "corrected" opens up fond memories of seeing my dad at the old manual typewriter at his desk. He was 74 years old (I was 23 years old) when he wrote this to me.  Reading it now is such a treasure.

My dad, John Wheaton Lynch, was 50 years old when I was born.  He was born August 6, 1906.  In high school everyone always assumed my parents were my grandparents.  Then it seemed difficult and maybe a little odd.  Now I look back and feel as if I was privy to living and learning in a household of an era gone by.

As I read this letter the gratitude in my heart wells up for having such a parent that I did, that would take the time to write me such a thoughtful letter.  I can recount so many other positive attributes and example set before me.  What my father meant to me is so big that it cannot fit into letters on this page or any page.  What my father meant to me is real, it lives in my present,  it's definitive of who I am today. It is measured out each and every day as I try to in turn (as my father did before me) exemplify a life worthy of the Glory of God and to encourage my three grown children.   Finding this letter has also brought a question to my mind to ponder:  I know what my they (my mother and father) meant to me but what did I mean to them?   The answer:--it is all being replayed in the relationships that I have with my own children now.  And I hope, that even counting the failures, that I can do half the job that my dad, my mother, did for me.  Thank goodness that there is encouragement as  Matthew 11:30 expresses "For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

be like Cora

June 15, 2016
This health kick that I’m committed to right now is not without its “rewards”.  As I was showering for work Monday morning, I felt something like a scab under my left arm.  It’s the same arm that has been sore for the last month or so (which has been concerning).  I called my hubby to come and look, and with his not-so 20-20 vision, he proclaimed it looked like some kind of “boil”.   I ever-so-nicely (uhuh) asked him to get my iPhone and take a pic.  He ever-so-reluctantly did so.  Did you ever try wearing your glasses in the shower to look at your phone (be honest)?!  I scrambled to my room and upon further investigation of the picture revealing the reddened puffy area the size of a silver dollar, I became even more alarmed at what I was seeing.  I quickly raced into my son’s room to confirm my fears.  (yes, I was clothed.)  I woke him up in my best “loving-terrified voice”, “Franklin, is this a “tick”?!   A quick look and he said, “Yep!”.   ( AHAH!  This was "my reward" that I must have been given on the long and “healthy” walk at the nature center!?) The next few moments, which seemed like forever, I tried to decide what to do.  (As I play back these few minutes in time, it really makes me laugh---how could I be so….??!! ugh!) The barked resolutions during this family collaboration seem so ridiculous as I look back now.  BUT, one thing was for sure, I wanted this thing off of me as soon as humanly possible.  Franklin was chosen for the task.  I remember wanting to scream (maybe I did, maybe I didn't)  thinking of this parasite attached to me, feeding off my blood. (Want to see the picture?)  As I lay there waiting to hear the miraculous words, “I got it, and I think I got all the mouth too” --another person came to my mind: “Cora”, my granddaughter!  Cora, who has little understanding why bugs bother Gram and wonders why I didn’t want to hold the pill bug she brought in for me to inspect when I last visited.  But my mind brought up the “other things” that do bother her though, and how she reacts to them (in August she will be 6 years old).  I reminded myself of Cora just then!  Suddenly a great deal of empathy for Cora's struggles rolled over me.  I decided to try and remember how I felt about this tick sucking my blood the next time I was with her and I perceived to her to be over-reacting about something.  I pray that this will be a lesson, a continual reminder to me when I might be tempted to evaluate another person’s reaction to a struggle they might be dealing with as well. 

Friday, June 10, 2016

I'd rather have a cheese burger
June 10, 2016
DAY 8:  It's official I've been on this new eating plan for 1 week.  Some weeks just go flying by, others seem to drag on a bit.  This week seemed a bit draggy and as I filled out my daily eating plan sheet  I was hoping to be able to write in a bigger number-- more than 3, or 4 or 5.  I told my hubby tonight as we were walking together that Monday we would be in double digits and we would be exactly half way through Round #1 of our 21 Day Fix or "regiment" as my hubby calls it.  "Regiment" seems to be a favorite word around my house, actually now that I think of it, I think my hubby likes that word better than me. Anyway...

Here we are, or here I am feeling all fuzzy and happy and motivated.  Do you ever have days like that?  LOL  I have to get over myself I guess,  I've been told (once again by hubby) that I've been "gushing"--to a cashier at the grocery store no less.  But he was an adorable curly headed red headed teenager--how could I resist? Anyway...where was I?

Did I mention that my 23 year old son is doing this together with us?  Oh yeah, I'm 59 and my hubby is...(had to ask him to be sure) is 57.  We've spent the last 7 or so days asking each other, "Do I look thinner? Do I look like I've lost weight",  eagerly anticipating the thought of weighing ourselves in our skivvies the next morning to see if this plan is doing what it's supposed to.  My two grown daughters  (ages 32 and 29) did confirm that my face does indeed does look thinner-- better. I received the lovely compliment that I look much more "hydrated".  And believe me, that fact can be proven over and over and over again as I drink half my weight in ounces daily.  My husband calls this the European diet and I"m sure you can understand that without any further explanation --he's my punny guy that keeps reminding me that's why I married him.

I just realized I've written 3 paragraphs in Seinfeld style, a lot about nothing and I've thoroughly enjoyed the laugh I've had with myself.   But perhaps I better get to the point of this..."I'd rather have a cheese burger" is the title. The point is this.  It seems some diets like to boast about how much you don't have to give up.  They even show you pictures and videos of all delectable meals (even cheese burgers) that you will be consuming that are so similar to what you already are used to eating.  Ok, uhuh, I see their point, it's good marketing strategy.  BUT, well before I get to the BUT, I have to say that there is so much good food on this diet it's almost hard to eat all of it every day.  Now to the--BUT,  But on the other hand, doing this eating plan has done something else.  I am appreciating single, individual foods much more than I ever have.  Take sweet potatoes for example, it used to be I had to be in the "mood" to eat them (always lathered with plenty of butter, salt, and pepper.).  Now I have discovered what a great thing God did when he created these delicious roots.  Yes, I realize how weird that must sound, but it's the truth. FOOD has become new to me, to my taste-buds, and I think that's exactly what I needed right now. 

Monday, June 6, 2016


It's time, finally.  To begin again, start afresh, breath deep, and smell the coffee!  I've been looking for a reason to resurrect this blog of mine--last post---2012-- ( but never found good enough rationality.  Until now, that is.  I am enjoying day 4 of a "21 Day Fix" that has been thrust on me, not ever so gently, by my 2nd daughter, Kate. (My CEO from the womb.  She can author more directives in 5 minutes than anyone I know, including my boss, and that's saying quite a bit.) Kate is awesome!

I can't begin to tell you how I feel is just 4 short days.  It's like I've been given a another chance--at what I'm not sure.  I'm enjoying not only food but more and more exercise--and with 3 herniated discs, that's saying quite a bit sometimes.  I don't think I realized how far into the rut I had gotten, how much this withering plant needed water.   What "was" I thinking?  Well it really doesn't matter what I "was" thinking, what matters is how I am thinking now and I'm just thankful I'm at this point in time now and I pray that God's mercy will continue and I can keep on this new road!

LINK for 21 Day Fix Tracking Sheet
I've included a LINK to a pdf for daily tracking of the Eating Plan for the 21 Day Fix if you anyone is needing it. And with that I will also say, "Katie, you were right!"--It's better to schedule all your meals ahead of time and write them all out!