Wednesday, June 15, 2016

be like Cora

June 15, 2016
This health kick that I’m committed to right now is not without its “rewards”.  As I was showering for work Monday morning, I felt something like a scab under my left arm.  It’s the same arm that has been sore for the last month or so (which has been concerning).  I called my hubby to come and look, and with his not-so 20-20 vision, he proclaimed it looked like some kind of “boil”.   I ever-so-nicely (uhuh) asked him to get my iPhone and take a pic.  He ever-so-reluctantly did so.  Did you ever try wearing your glasses in the shower to look at your phone (be honest)?!  I scrambled to my room and upon further investigation of the picture revealing the reddened puffy area the size of a silver dollar, I became even more alarmed at what I was seeing.  I quickly raced into my son’s room to confirm my fears.  (yes, I was clothed.)  I woke him up in my best “loving-terrified voice”, “Franklin, is this a “tick”?!   A quick look and he said, “Yep!”.   ( AHAH!  This was "my reward" that I must have been given on the long and “healthy” walk at the nature center!?) The next few moments, which seemed like forever, I tried to decide what to do.  (As I play back these few minutes in time, it really makes me laugh---how could I be so….??!! ugh!) The barked resolutions during this family collaboration seem so ridiculous as I look back now.  BUT, one thing was for sure, I wanted this thing off of me as soon as humanly possible.  Franklin was chosen for the task.  I remember wanting to scream (maybe I did, maybe I didn't)  thinking of this parasite attached to me, feeding off my blood. (Want to see the picture?)  As I lay there waiting to hear the miraculous words, “I got it, and I think I got all the mouth too” --another person came to my mind: “Cora”, my granddaughter!  Cora, who has little understanding why bugs bother Gram and wonders why I didn’t want to hold the pill bug she brought in for me to inspect when I last visited.  But my mind brought up the “other things” that do bother her though, and how she reacts to them (in August she will be 6 years old).  I reminded myself of Cora just then!  Suddenly a great deal of empathy for Cora's struggles rolled over me.  I decided to try and remember how I felt about this tick sucking my blood the next time I was with her and I perceived to her to be over-reacting about something.  I pray that this will be a lesson, a continual reminder to me when I might be tempted to evaluate another person’s reaction to a struggle they might be dealing with as well. 

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